Lead your action IECB™
(Introduction to Extraordinary Contribution to Business)
A fresh look @ work
In this context of profound transformation, everyone's engagement is the new "gold" for Organizations: Companies need and want proactive performance players who make discretionary efforts beyond their job descriptions. Faced with this, it is key to equip Company members with a work mindset and capabilities that foster initiatives in a way that serves collective performance and individual development.
The premise of this approach relies on the observation and research that our work context is becoming so complex and sophisticated that any job has become a business in itself and that the core functions of any business have become fundamental capabilities for all of us at work.
At the end of this blended workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe Work capabilities useful to everyone in their job, beyond their own expertise
- Propose initiatives to develop in each work Capability
- Promote their commitment and contribution
- Acquire the means to develop permanently and thoughtfully
- Present a practical and relevant development action plan
Leader de son action IECB™
(Introduction to Extraordinary Contribution to Business)
Un regard frais sur le travail
Dans ce contexte de bouleversements profonds, l’engagement de chacun est le nouvel « or noir » pour les entreprises : Elles recherchent des acteurs de la performance qui déploient des efforts discrétionnaires au-delà de leurs fiches de poste. Face à cela, il est clé d’équiper les Hommes avec un regard sur le travail et les capacités associées qui permettent de favoriser l’initiative d’une façon qui sert la performance collective et le développement individuel.
À l’issue de cette formation « blended », les participants seront capables de :
- Décrire des capacités utiles à chacun dans son métier, au-delà de sa propre expertise
- Proposer des initiatives pour se développer à travers et dans chacune de ces méga compétences
- Valoriser son engagement et sa contribution
- Acquérir le moyen de se développer en permanence
- Présenter un plan d’action de développement pratique et pertinent
© 2020 Practical Learning the smart way to learn™
Contact: Frank Rouault, DBA. p.l.france@orange.fr +33(0)6 08 71 72 34 www.practicalearning.com www.frankrouault.com