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Leadership and Management – Mark Nevins

Arguing the difference between “management” and “leadership” is an old debate, one that can come across as the business school equivalent of the ancient theological conundrum “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” Our colleague John Hillen, a seasoned CEO and board director as well as a Professor at George Mason University, suggests a different way of thinking about these fundamental concepts, and offers some useful insights for anyone in the business of getting results with and through others.

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Doctorate of Business


Nous sommes tous dans la dynamique d’apprendre et je suis heureux de vous annoncer que je viens d’obtenir le titre de Doctor Of Business Administration (Dba) de Grenoble Ecole de Management. Le sujet de ma thèse porte sur les forces des cultures dans la formation au management interculturel : « Exploring Cultural Engines in Intercultural Management Training ».